Our Mission
CACC believes that every child deserves a happy and healthy childhood.
CACC supports the formation and equitable growth of children's advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams throughout California. We promote best practices, encourage diversity and inclusion, provide compassionate leadership, and foster state-wide collaboration through outreach and support, training and technical assistance, acquired funding, and legislative advocacy. Together, we ensure our communities are well-equipped to respond to child abuse and that every child thrives.
Our Work
Children’s Advocacy Centers of California is a statewide membership organization dedicated to helping local communities respond to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient, and that put the needs of child victims first. CACC provides support, advocacy, training, technical assistance and leadership to local child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams throughout California responding to reports of child abuse and neglect. CACC is an accredited chapter of the National Children’s Alliance. Is run as program of CALICO, the accredited children’s advocacy center for Alameda County. CACC has 48 member teams and centers and serves all counties the state.
To better serve our mission, out membership and the children of California, CACC has completed a Gap Analysis and a Strategic Plan. Both of which offer guidance for CACC's effort to build a happier, healthier California.