Upcoming Events
Check this page for upcoming events and trainings from CACC.
Also, check out the training opportunities from our partners at CIR and Western Regional Children's Advocacy Center.
CACC California Center/Team Meeting
2nd & 4th Thursday Monthly
2 PM
Via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join us for a weekly meeting with your fellow CAC/MDT professionals from throughout the state. This optional weekly video call is a chance for us to check-in, share, and connect about the field's specific challenges.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 959 5810 1318
Passcode: 007
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,95958101318#,,,,,,0#,,007# US (New York)
+16699009128,,95958101318#,,,,,,0#,,007# US (San Jose)
Regional Forensic Interview Peer Review Sessions
4th Tuesday
(March - October)
10 AM - 2 PM
Via Zoom
Children’s Advocacy Centers of California, the California chapter of NCA, is coordinating virtual regional facilitated forensic interview peer review sessions across California. The purpose of these peer review sessions is to allow participating forensic interviewers the opportunity to review forensic interview recordings in a group session, discuss specific interview techniques, and provide feedback regarding the interviews and documentation. These Peer Review Sessions will meet the NCA standards for FI Peer Review.
Goals of the Regional Peer Review Sessions:
Provide ongoing opportunities to network with, and share learning and challenges with peers,
Review and provide feedback of actual interviews in a professional and confidential setting,
Discussion of current relevant research articles and materials,
Training opportunities specific to forensic interviewing of children and the CAC-specific methodologies.
You must be a qualified forensic interviewer conducting interviews at a CACC member Children’s Advocacy Center as part of a CACC member MDT.
Trauma STS and Reflective Supervision Part 2
March 18, 2021 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM (PST)
CACC, in collaboration with Westren Regional CAC, will be hosting a (2) part training series facilitated by Alkillen-Harvey, LCSW, and Marie Secrist, PhD., from Rady's Children's Hospital in San Diego.
Part 2, “Reflective Practice and Secondary Traumatic Stress in CACs and MDTs” . Part 2 will include a review of impact of trauma with additional focus on learning the skills to provide reflective supervision. The second is most appropriate for MDT members and CAC staff that do provide supervision and may want to incorporate additional reflective practices with their staff. This would also be appropriate for MDT facilitators who could incorporate reflective skills in their leadership of the MDT.
***In order to participate in Part 2, it is required that you attend Part 1.***